Research and Development

We specialize in commercialization, production, and management services for innovative technology and scientific research.

caution area map
caution area map
man in brown shirt and black pants sitting on gray concrete bench during daytime
man in brown shirt and black pants sitting on gray concrete bench during daytime
Consultancy Services

Offering expert guidance in planning, implementation, and management of research and development projects.

Tech Commercialization

Transforming in-house developed technologies into market-ready solutions through strategic planning and execution.

Innovative Solutions for Tomorrow

At Kamand, we specialize in R&D, commercialization, and management services, driving technological advancements under the Dromund Thrack umbrella.

grey metal folding chair beside brown wooden box
grey metal folding chair beside brown wooden box
Tsunami Warning Buoy
Tsunami Warning Buoy
blue corals
blue corals

Our Mission and Vision

We are committed to delivering cutting-edge technology and expert consultancy, ensuring successful implementation and management of innovative projects for our clients.

Contact Our Research Team

Get in touch for consultancy, research, and development services. We are here to assist you with your tech commercialization needs.


